Made for Trijam 269 - A game jam where participants create a game in 3 hours.

My goals for this game were to release a game within the three hour time limit, learn more about Godot and see how well it performs for prototyping, and learn more about Dialogic for Godot. The total dev time came out to slightly under four hours due to some unforeseen bugs, but I did learn more about the engine and dialogue system.

With more time, I'd like to add more dialogue, a dither shader for the light/pixel art, to rework the sprites, and iron out some bugs that in debugging were hard to reproduce.

Godot seems like an excellent engine for prototyping and jamming, both simple enough to get things moving quickly and extensive to handle many requirements. For a future Trijam, having tools to build assets quickly would help in getting a more fully realized game out within the time limit.

Background track was sourced from here:

Font sourced from here:

Tools used

  • Godot - Engine
  • Dialogic - Dialogue plugin
  • Aseprite - For creating sprites
GenreVisual Novel
Made withGodot


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Nice work! I like the multiple endings and the vague storytelling. When I played the games resolution was bugged, so I would look into that. Fun game nonetheless!

Thanks for playing! If you could be a bit more specific about that resolution issue, it would help me debug it.

(2 edits)

Yeah no problem!

My default screen resolution is at 1920x1080, Windows 10.

I use Godot myself, so I think this might happen because of the games mode. 

Under Project > Project Settings > Window > Mode > selecting canvas_items or viewport should work just fine.

Though that's just my input, hope this is helpful in some way or another!

Here's a screenshot of the problem I encountered: